onsdag 7 november 2012

Stay positive!

Been having a bad start of the week, got bad new yesterday, didn’t get trough in the police academy application process. Third time I don’t get in, I know that people are applying 7-8 times before they get in and I know I'm still quite young but still it is not fun getting turned down time after time... And being cut of at this state doesn’t even give me a chance to show them what I got. So yesterday I allowed myself to be a little depressed and grumpy, didn’t go to the gym and just felt low, woke up today just to stay in bed and feel sorry for myself... until around 1 o’clock when I got sick of it and just picked myself up and put my running shoes on and went for an off road run!

Running really is the best therapy! Had a fantastic run, sun and blue sky, cold but not to cold, and after my complete lack of moment in Turkey I did get back within a decent time! So now I'm back to my happy positive me, looking forward to apply again and to show them what they have missed out on, to keep running, to come back stronger and faster then ever!


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